Enrolment into the school will be at the full discretion of the school management. It is our purpose to maintain a distinctively Christian influence within the school according to what we believe the Word of God teaches.

The school will accept students from independent Baptist churches and other churches of like-faith. At least one of the parents and the child should be actively involved in their local church. A pastoral recommendation from their church will be requested from the school.


Applications to the school must be made by completion of the Student Application Form. Once application form has been received, the school will contact the parents to arrange an interview. Application forms can be obtained by contacting the school at or (02) 9636-3700.

Our school is not a parent-controlled school. Though we value parental input, the direction and values of the school will ultimately be determined by the school board in collaboration with the foundation board.

We view the purpose of education as, firstly, to reveal God and His truth to each student. We believe that “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge” (Proverbs 1:7). Secondly, we see education’s purpose is to provide instruction in the different subjects that children need to learn in order to be able to function as honourable, hard-working citizens in society.

The harmonious blend of Godly counsel and knowledge of various subjects required in our day is our educational objective. We believe that every aspect of our Ebenezer Christian College program, including curriculum development and school policy, must have an integrative relationship to the Word of God.

FEE schedule

The goal of the school is provide affordable education. We have therefore structured the fees to cater for multiple enrolments as follows:

First child – $3,600

Second child – $2,700

Third child – $1,800

Fourth child thereafter – Free

Please note that the above fee structure and discounts are not applicable to those holding Overseas Student Visas. The annual tuition amount for a dependent of a Overseas Student Visa holders is $6,000 per child. 

We have implemented a direct debit arrangement for ease of management which is part of our enrolment procedure.

In addition to these annual charges, parents may expect miscellaneous excursion fees and occasional small levies to cover other activities during the year.