The focus of the school is to promote quality education. We comply with the NSW Education Standard Authority (formerly Board of Studies) requirement regarding curriculum outcomes which is in constant state of development to ensure that all aspects of learning are implemented for the best interest of the students. Due to the smaller class sizes, the education is more personalised, addressing individual needs of each students.


Discipline at Ebenezer Christian College is not punitive but corrective. We will exact the appropriate disciplinary actions to correct behaviours that will have a positive impact on the student, peers, teachers and in turn their community. Disciplinary measure such as demerits & detentions are enforced to promote acceptable behaviour standards. However, in exceptional circumstances suspension and even expulsion will be used where applicable.

Ebenezer Christian College recognises that school and home have complimentary roles in the children’s development and education and that the best work of the school occurs where home and school support each other.

The school will aim to set a high standard of conduct and attitude in the school. We will expect abstinence from all alcoholic beverages, narcotics, defamatory/obscene language, secular or ‘Christian’ rock music, modern-dancing, illicit drugs, inappropriate TV & movies and other questionable and worldly activities. We encourage parents to honour the authority of the school staff that has been placed over them during their formative years.


All uniform items should be of an appropriate size to the wearer and should be replaced when excessively faded, torn, worn or undersized.

Dresses and skirts should be worn covering their knees.

Uniforms should be kept neat and tidy. If applicable, all shirts must be tucked in excluding the sports uniform and ties must be neatly knotted and not hanging loosely.

Dress shoes for everyday uniform should be black leather without pointed toes, or any attention drawing features. Ballet flats and high-heeled shoes are not acceptable.